Loading Data

Reloading and shooting are inherently dangerous activities and should be approached with great caution.  While we at NOE make every attempt to be certain the data and products provided are safe, we have no control over condition of firearm, techniques used, components used, or other elements of the reloading and shooting process.  As such NOE will not be held liable for the use of any data found on this site or any product purchased on the site.   Using the data provided is as-is and the user assumes all risk for double checking data with known sources before proceeding.

NOE Bullet Moulds has not verified the accuracy of the data contained herein as it was collected from various manuals, both printed and online.  Before using any data found here we recommend double checking it vs at least one trusted source.  Failure to follow safe loading practices could result in severe personal injury (including death) or gun damage to the user or bystanders. Technical data and information contained herein is intended to provide a reference point but does not detail the procedures, techniques and safety precautions that are necessary to properly reload ammunition safely and effectively. Always consult comprehensive reference manuals and bulletins from component manufacturers for additional details before attempting to use this data. Be alert- publisher cannot be responsible for errors in published load data nor can publisher be held liable for any use of this data beyond academic study.  In short, reloading and shooting are potentially dangerous activities and the participant in such activities assumes all risk.

Load Data by Cartridge
Load Data by Bullet
Quickload Bullet File